Homepage POWERHUMATO HUMUS - Terreni Alcalini

Marcello Bellini srl
Marcello Bellini srl
Marcello Bellini srl
Terreni Alcalini
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  • POWERHUMATO HUMUS is a promoter of plant growth and soil conditioning, obtained from the alkaline extraction of leonardite (highly oxidized lignite) resulting from the chemical and biological humification of plants and organic material.
  • POWERHUMATO HUMUS is 100% soluble in OSMOTIC water (low conductivity), which can be supplied together with the product upon request. It is used in agriculture and horticulture on plants, fruit trees, ornamental trees, meadows and cereals. It is a stable humic substance that cannot be easily decomposed by soil microorganisms.
  • POWERHUMATO HUMUS can be applied both for fertigation applications and for foliar applications.

It can be applied up to 10Kg per hectare. Better results are obtained with more frequent application at a lower dosage of 2-3 kg per hectare every 8/10 days.
  • Its pH buffering capacity allows it to make nutrients blocked by unfavorable soil pH available to plants.
  • Very effective on alkaline soils.
  • Promotes plant growth by increasing biomass production.
  • Enriches production and increases the quality of plants.
  • Boosts plant enzymes.
  • Optimizes the soil structure and the ability to retain water.
  • Stimulates and feeds beneficial soil microorganisms.
  • It exponentially increases the cation exchange capacity of the soil (CSC).
  • It increases the effectiveness of fertilizers and reduces the leaching of nutrients.
  • Promotes root development.
  • It improves the permeability of root cell membranes and increases the absorption of nutrients
  • Acts as a natural chelating agent for trace elements and refines their availability for plants.
  • It decreases the stress deriving from water shortage and the application of treatments
  • Improves seed germination and strengthens root development.
  • Reduces residues of herbicides and toxic substances in soils.
Marcello Bellini srl Strada Zì Maria 297 - 04100 Latina (LT)
Tel. 0773-86058 Cel. 335 8124017
e-mail marcello@marcellobellini.com
P. IVA/CF 03009240593 CCIAA  LT216842

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